About Furry Friends Gear
Thanks for visiting and checking out Furry Friends Gear, your #1 resource for everything to do with cats & dogs.
Our mission is to provide you with the best information on the market pertaining to all things related to your favorite furry friends. We try to cover everything related to pet care, nutrition, toys, equipment, grooming, travel, and more! Some of those topics are highlighted in the sections below.
My family has always enjoyed the love and wonders of having dogs and cats! Below are some of our favorite pictures.

Our Editorial staff has firsthand experience in caring for dogs and cats. We hope that FurryFriendsGear.com gives you the information you need to make your pet ownership experience an enjoyable one.
Where we get our information from:
- Use Of Products: Many of the products highlighted on this site have been used by our writers and editorial staff.
- Pet Ownership Experience: Our staff and contributors have firsthand experience with many of the topics written on this site. This includes caring for dogs and cats, pet sitting, establishing pet friendly environments in homes and yards, and more.
- Forum, Reviews, and Other Data: If there is a product that we have not used personally, our writers compile information and content to and provide a summary of the experience of users who have first-hand knowledge.
Please note: We are not promoting any products nor do any merchants give us free products or pay us for sharing their products. Our reviews come from purchasing the product and providing first-hand experiences or we find information and feedback from other people that have used the product.
Affiliate Relationships:
We have an affiliate relationship with Amazon.com. When you purchase a product through an Amazon link on our website, we earn a commission. However, you DO NOT incur any additional fees or expenses.
The commissions we earn through our affiliation with Amazon helps to offset the overhead fees and bills to run and maintain this website.
Do you have a product you want us to review? Send us a message on our contact page for more information.