best cat window perches

Best Cat Window Perches: Full Review Of Today’s Top Products

Cat owners can always agree on two constants: Cats love to soak up the sunshine while sitting in a window Cats love jumping up on high places where they don’t belong My cat is always a handful because she loves to jump and climb up on top of high cabinets,

why doesn't my cat like her new window perch

Why Doesn’t My Cat Like Her New Window Perch?

As cat owners, I’m sure we have all seen our cat sitting near the window just watching the view outside. It’s that part of the day that they truly enjoy as they can see birds chirping, people walking by, cars passing, or dogs fighting. However, once your cat positions herself

most reliable cat window perch

What Is The Most Reliable Cat Window Perch?

A cat window perch is probably one of the best things you can give to your cat, who loves perching by the window to watch the scenery outside. It can be mounted directly on a window, a windowsill, or the wall of our house, giving your cat the perfect access

How To Install A Cat Window Perch

How To Install A Cat Window Perch

Cats are curious animals, and that’s already a given fact. They love watching birds, people walking by, cars passing, dogs fighting, and more interesting things. It makes them enjoy their day more, and this is already part of their daily lives.  Sometimes, this desire of theirs will let them climb

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